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Utilities Agreement - Owner Residential

Please note that this agreement can only be completed by someone who is legally on the property title with the County Recorder's office.

Water and/or Solid Waste and Storm Water Services (801) 576-6512 or (801) 576-6504

Application Information

Please fill out the information below if you are the owner of the property. Once you have filled out the form, click on submit and your application will be sent to the Draper City Finance Department. Our team will review the agreement and reach out to you if needed for any necessary updates or confirmations.

Are you the property owner of a:
Is the Service address different than the Mailing address?

Please note that the Co-Applicant information can only be completed by someone who is legally on the property title with the County Recorder's office.

Will this be a rental property?

*Extra garbage containers are $10.00 and extra recycling containers are $2.50 more a month. There is a three month minimum commitment to keep these extra containers.

Draper City Municipal Code

Terms & Conditions
By entering your signature in the box below, you are entering into an agreement with Draper City for your utility services and that you have read and agreed to the Draper City Municipal Code regarding utility service. I hereby apply to Draper City for permission to connect to the Draper Water System and/or participate in the Draper City Solid Waste Program and Storm Water System.
Utility Agreement
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