I hereby acknowledge that I have completed the above information fully and accurately. I understand and give my permission, with respect to the Draper City Police Department, to conduct a background investigation to determine my suitability for admission to this program.
I authorize a release of my Utah Criminal History record, or any part thereof, by and to any duly authorized agent of this agency to accompany my employment, volunteer, licensing, permit application, or other expressed purpose approved by me today. Any information discovered may be used to consider my suitability for the purpose of my application.
I understand these results are not verified by fingerprints and are only valid on the date printed on this record. If I wish to challenge the completeness or accuracy of this record, I must submit a completed Application to Challenge Criminal History Records with fingerprints directly to the Bureau of Criminal Indentification (BCI) where I may be subject to additional fees (R722-900-6).
I understand this waiver may be kept on file at this agency for a period of at least three years and is subject to review by BCI auditors, whether or not I choose to release my record to this agency today. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless BCI, this agency, elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers associated with this application process from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees arising out of or by reason of complying with this request.
A photocopy or electronic copy of this waiver is a valid representation of my original signature and is considered legal and binding just as the original writing of my signature.
For more information, please call (801) 576-6352.