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Draper City Fire Department- Fire Prevention Bureau

Contractor’s Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping


Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor’s representative, and witnessed by an owner’s representative. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor’s personnel leave the job.

This certificate shall be filled out and signed as indicated. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. It is understood the owner’s representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with the approving authority’s requirements or local ordinances.


Installation conforms to accepted plans
Equipment used is approved


Has person in charge of fire equipment been instructed as to location of control valves and care and maintenance of this new equipment?

Have copies of the following been left on the premises?

1. System components instructions:
2. Care and maintenance instructions
3. NFPA 25

Location of Systems 


Pipe and Fittings

Alarm Valve or Flow Indicator

Alarm Device

Maximum time to operate through test connection

Dry Pipe Operating Test

Dry Valve

Time to trip through test connection


Trip Point Air Pressure

Time Water Reached Test Outlet

Alarm Operated Properly

Deluge and Preaction Valves

Piping supervised
Detecting media supervised
Does valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both Control stations?
Is there an accessible facility in each circuit for testing?
Does each circuit operate supervision loss alarm?
Does each circuit operate valve release?

Maximum time to operate release

Pressure reducing valve test

Static pressure

Residual pressure (flowing)

Flow Rate

Test Description

Hydrostatic: Hydrostatic testes shall be made at not less than 200 psi for 2 hours or 50 psi above static pressure in excess of 150 psi for 2 hours. Differential dry pipe valve clappers shall be left open during the test to prevent damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped.

Pneumatic: Establish 40 psi air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 1 ½ psi in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shall not exceed 1 1/2 psi in 24 hours.


Dry piping pneumatically tested
Equipment operates properly
Were additives, corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals or other stop leak devices were used for testing systems or stopping leaks?

Drain Test 

Underground mains and lead in connections to system risers were flushed before connection was made to sprinkler piping?


Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures used complied with the minimum requirements of AWS B2.1, ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications, or other applicable qualification standard as required by the AHJ?

Minimum requirements = AWS B2.1, ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications, or other applicable qualification standard as required by the AHJ

Do you certify that all welding was performed by welders or welding operators qualified in accordance with the minimum requirements listed above?

Documented quality control procedure to ensure that (1) all discs are retrieved; (2) that openings in piping are smooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed; (3) the internal diameters of piping are not penetrated; (4) completed welds are free from cracks,
incomplete fusion, surface porosity greater than 1⁄₁₆ in. diameter, undercut deeper than the lesser of 25% of the wall thickness or 1⁄₃₂ in.; and (5) completed circumferential butt weld reinforcement does not exceed 3⁄₃₂ in.

Do you certify that the welding was conducted in compliance with the above listed quality control procedure?

Cutouts (discs)

Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that all cutouts (discs) are retrieved?

Hydraulic Data Nameplate

Nameplate provided



Tests witnessed by

Antifreeze Systems

If the fire sprinkler system contains antifreeze do you certify that the antifreeze is strictly glycerin, C.P or USP 96.5% grade or propylene glycol?

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