We will take into consideration the following:
- The number of hours you have served on DCMYC from the most recent year
- Your proven dependability to be present and on time at functions
- Your proven efforts to reach out and include others on the youth council
- Your proven ability to see a need and serve without supervision
- 100% attendance and commitment for Draper City events and meetings.
For Returning Executives
Any executive may or may not serve another term as an executive depending on previous attendance (on-time), hours, participation, team player and respect to other members andadvisors. While your opinion is valuable as an executive, we observe your attitude, collaboration,and win-win behavior.
We want to foster cooperation, supportive behavior, inspire future leaders, and involve council members in a friendly and healthy environment. We want the executive council to avoid any strong, confrontational, defiant and disruptive assumptions - manipulations of what is best for the entire council, inhibiting others to vocalize their position and ways to achieve Draper Youth Council objectives and goals.
Your time commitment - attending all events from the beginning to the end is also an important part of leadership charge. Any external activity that inhibits your full potential and participation will also be taken into account for your return.
In many situations, we want to allow opportunities for qualified council members to be part of the executive branches.
Parent/Legal Guardian Permission
Parent/ Legal Guardian Permission: "I give my permission for my child to seek the position as Draper City Mayor's Youth Council member."
Please print name below signifying the permission.